the demise of Elmoreden worked to slow the fall
of the Perios kingdom, nothing could stop the oncoming
plagues from the Gracia regions to the south, nor
the devastating cold that swept through from the
north. Like Elmoreden before her, Perios disappeared
into the dusty tomes of history.
After the fall of these once-great kingdoms, the
land was embroiled in a horrific turmoil, and the
dark times evoked memories of the aftermath of the
Great Plague. The Human aristocracy fought amongst
each other for supremacy and some even granted lands
to non-humans in exchange for military might. The
Orcs seized this opportunity and gaining a foothold,
brought their strength to bear. Reorganizing their
armies, the Orcs once again waged their campaign
to dominate the continent. Their armies were mighty
and they soon occupied the northern parts of Elmore,
but fighting between the noble orcs and the lowly
orcs weakened their power.
Amidst the conflicts, the Elves could do nothing
but fight for their own lives in the endless battle
against their Dark brethren. And the Dwarves were
no match for the rampaging Orcish army and were
easily pushed aside.
In this time, a dominant Human faction emerged,
known as the Elmore kingdom. Their claim to be direct
descendents of the Elmoreden emperor, whether truth
or myth, was widely accepted, for they had the truth
of strength and the truth of steel behind their
words. The Elmore army clashed with the Orcish army
over many terrific battles. The war waged on for
many years, costing each side heavily. The armies
were evenly matched, for although the Humans outnumbered
their enemy, the sheer strength of the mighty Orcish
army made for a formidable foe. In the end, however,
badly defeated, the Orcs were again driven back
to their own lands to bide their time and plot their
vengeance. As for the Dwarves, what few remained
were banished from the Human continent into the
depths of the Spine Mountains.
With its now diminished military force, the Elmore
army finally gained control of all the northern
lands and marched south in the quest to reunite
the continent under the Elmore flag. But unification
of the divided continent was not to be. The Oren,
the most powerful of the southern kingdoms, fended
off the invading army with their strong magicians
and well-trained soldiers, and the Elmore could
not match the ferocity of an army out to defend
its land.
The various southern kingdoms prospered under the
protection of Oren and together began to take the
form of a nation. These kingdoms maintained balance
amongst themselves, and grew strong and prosperous.